Sunday, September 10, 2006

Its all just a walk in the park...

Today we did something very exciting. We took Jason to the park for the first time. We all had a blast, and Jase particularly loved the swings. His Dad took him down the slide a couple of times, but J only laughed when I made a big deal of it, so Im thinking maybe he didnt get the point of the whole thing. He sure did understand the swings though! We knew he would cos one of his faverite things about the jolly jumper is when I disconect the harness and swing him around the lounge in it. He goes mad for it!
He also did very very well last night. Went to bed at 7.45pm and didnt hear a peep till 6.00am!! It was probably Gods way of saying sorry for the night before, when he woke up 10.30pm, screamed till we got him up and then eventually ended up in bed with us for the night by 1.30am. 1.30 am. 1.30am. By 2.30am I was trying to get to sleep at the foot of the bed while my lovely son rolled about his 3 quarters of the King size bed and his Dad slept through it all. oh well. That was a particularly bad night, and the two previous to that he slept till 5.00am (with a couple of brief awakenings in the night) so cant really complain.

This post is really just an excuse to show every one some very cute photos taken today at the park, and yesterday just mucking about at home.

Gee Mum, can we get one of these at home?

My jolly jumper ROCKS!

It wasnt til after I took this photo that Chris told me what article of my clothing he had used to create j's 'homey' look...


At 12 September 2006 at 9:35:00 am NZST, Blogger Saffron said...

Cute swinging photo! Looks like heapsa fun :) And yay you for sleeping so well Jason!!


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