Doing great thanks!
well, our house is finally in recovery. After J got sick, with what we now know is the Roto Virus, I got it and poor Chris had to take most of Friday of and look after J as well as me. Vomiting from both ends is not the best way to spend a weekend, and I can honestly say that my son is absolute STAR for coping with this FREAKIN UGLY virus as well as he did.
Jason was back to his usual great self by Friday and I am just seeing the tail end of it now (no pun intended - if anyone even gets it which they probably wont - but I know what I mean!). So today is 'clean the house like mad' day, and laundry day. I went to dress J this morning and relised that he was out of pants. How the hell do you run out of pants??? Well, we were both sick and I niether had the time or the energy to do laundry. And with J throwing up - from both ends - on EVERYTHING both he and I own - well, you see how you could run out of pants.
And that about sums everything up. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, my babys taking a nap and Im having a break from scrubbiing the mould of the walls in the bathroom.
All is right with the world!
And in other breaking news...Jason is one step closer to crawling. Hes on his hands and knees a lot more often now and he rocks quite a bit, and hes started doing a funny kind of backward shuffle. He doesnt do it a lot, but he can do it! YAY!
Yay for Jason and no more vomitting and bum wees (and his poor mummy too!)! Yay for nearly crawling - very clever :)
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